Fundraiser raises over $70,000 for audio engineer's family following his sudden passing

Seattle audio engineer Ryan Murgatroyd passed away on Wednesday, June 28. According to SNBC 13, Ryan died after he sustained injuries from a tragic accident. A GoFundMe page set up by Ryan's friends, Aaron Hauck and Giselle Rizzardi revealed that he was in the ICU for several days, out of state. The exact location of the accident and the nature of his injuries were not disclosed.

At the time of this writing, Ryan's GoFundMe has raised $ 74,050 with the help of 527 donations. The fundraiser launched by Aaron and Giselle on Friday aims to collect $100,000. According to Aaron Hauck, the amount reflected how severe the circumstances are. Giselle Risaldi also posted multiple Instagram stories, urging people to donate to her close friend's family.

Giselle Rizzardi paid tribute to Ryan Murgatroyd through her Instagram stories (Image via Instagram/@high.wide.and.handsome)

The Carlson Audio Systems sound engineer, who also worked at Neptune Theater, Showbox Presents, and El Corazon, was described as a person responsible for getting a lot of people into the music industry, and as an overall nice person. He also worked as an FOH engineer, for the band, Cold War Kids.

Ryan is survived by his wife, Sarah Murgatroyd, and his son, Judah. Sarah is in nursing school, while Judah is about to enter the seventh grade. Ryan was the family's only earning member.

According to Facebook, Ryan and Sarah got married in 2017 (Image via Facebook/Sarah Murgatroyd)

Ryan Murgatroyd's death "detonated like a silent bomb," says close friend

On the GoFundMe page, Ryan's close friend, Aaron Hauck described his friendship with Ryan and the void left by his passing.

"In December 2017, I had the pleasure of a lifetime being the best man in his wedding. We've been through all of it together -- jobs, housing, moving, school, marriages. His sudden death has detonated like a silent bomb, vacuuming up all warmth and joy," he wrote.
Ryan Murgatroyd's GoFundMe page

Hauck mentioned that Ryan worked with several bands touring the world and at the same time, he was an active member of many self-help groups, "helping to pull other sufferers out of misery". He described Ryan Murgatroyd as a friend capable of elevating any situation, and a loving husband and father.

"While the wake of his absence in his friend groups is unimaginable, it pales in comparison to the crater left in his family," he said.
Aaron and Ryan (Image via Instagram/@high.wide.and.handsome)

He talked about how Ryan was the only source of income for his wife, who is in nursing school, and son, who is in middle school. He said:

"The funds collected will go to solely support them. Sarah still needs to finish school and care for Judah. The amount of money you see set as a goal is meant to reflect how truly severe the circumstances are," he added.

Colleagues mourn the loss of Ryan Murgatroyd

Ryan's loss was also felt by colleagues who he worked with in the industry. Rock Band, The Home Team, which Ryan was a part of, took to Facebook to share a post, in which they called him one of their best friends and a person who had a massive impact on their lives.

El, Corazon, where Ryan worked as a manager, and lead audio engineer, also put out a Facebook post in which they called Ryan a "Beloved member of the Seattle music scene" and their family.

"He brought light and compassion to everyone here, and we are better for having been able to work with him. Ryan, Thanks you, we love you buddy," he wrote.

Cold War Kids also shared an Instagram post honoring Ryan. They stated that they were heartbroken and devastated by the passing of one of their friends and crew members. They called him a "warm, generous, hilarious" person who was also talented and a passionate family man and worker.

At the time of this writing, the circumstances around Ryan's passing remain undisclosed.

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