How much does Shaq make on TNT? Contract and other details revealed

Shaquille O'Neal's contract with TNT is very valuable. The Hall of Famer is a big part of TNT's "Inside the NBA" show, which is what makes his every appearance very valuable.

Last year, there was some talk regarding the "Inside the NBA" crew leaving the show. However, O'Neal and his co-workers have all successfully negotiated new contracts and will stay on the show for many more years.

Shaq reportedly makes $10 million a year with TNT. His contract includes a 30-minute appearance on the show every week and he can terminate it before it ends. The exact details of the contract haven't been fully disclosed yet.

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Shaquille O'Neal likely signed a 10-year contract with TNT

Back in October 2022, Turner Sports announced that "Inside the NBA" co-hosts have all re-signed with the network. By doing so, the network secured Shaquille O'Neal, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson for at least a few more years.

While details of O'Neal's contract with TNT haven't been publicly disclosed, there is a good chance that he signed a 10-year deal with the company. This is how long Charles Barkley's contract reportedly is. Both O'Neal and Barkley are very entertaining and former superstars, so their contracts should be similar.

"Inside the NBA" is one of the most entertaining basketball shows (Image via Getty Images)

Shortly after signing his contract extension with TNT, O'Neal had an interview with Arena Sport TV, a regional sports network in Europe. The former superstar athlete was just glad to have a job and he did not talk much regarding his long-term work.

"I go day by day, year by year," O'Neal said. "I’m just fortunate enough to be working and having a job. But if I lasted long, good. If not, I understand."

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O'Neal also brought up his childhood, saying how he always needs something to fall back on.

"When you grow up how I grew up, you gotta always have something to fall back on. So if TNT stops tomorrow, I’ll definitely find other things to do," he added.
O'Neal wants to keep working and have something to fall back on (Image via Getty Images)

Shaq was not raised in a rich household, which is why he knows what it feels like to go through struggles. However, his current net worth is $400 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, so he should be set for life.

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During his NBA career, the 7-foot-1 center played for six different teams, including the LA Lakers and Miami Heat, where he won four rings combined. He made $292 million from his contracts in the league.

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