How to cook Shiny Dark Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Thanks to the inclusion of Shiny Dark Sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, trainers have an increased chance of finding Shiny Dark-type Pocket Monsters in the wild. Different recipes can help players hunt for shinies with maximum efficiency.

The process may require some rare ingredients, such as Herba Mystica, but players certainly can't argue with the results. This article will tell you everything you need to know about the Shiny Dark Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How to make Shiny Dark Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet using Creative Mode in picnics

Shiny Ruin Pokemon are fantastic example of Dark-type shinies in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via TPC)

Players can create a maximum-effect Shiny Dark Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by using Creative Mode in picnics. This allows trainers to combine their own ingredients to create custom sandwiches that can provide effects far superior to the recipes provided by the NPC in sandwich shops throughout Paldea.

With as few as three total ingredients, players can make a sandwich that allows Dark-type Pokemon to appear in abundance while also boosting the spawn rates for their Shiny counterparts.

Here are the steps you can follow to create an Optimized Shiny Dark-type Sandwich:

  • Start a picnic via the main menu while out in the wild.
  • Head to the picnic table, press the A button, and select the option to make a sandwich.
  • Press the X button to enter Creative Mode.
  • Select the ingredients as follows: Smoked Filet, Salty Herba Mystica, and either a Sweet, Spicy, or Sour Herba Mystica. A second Salty Herba Mystica can also suffice in lieu of these options.
  • During sandwich creation, place the filet as evenly as possible across the bread and Herba Mystica seasoning before placing the bread on top to complete the sandwich.
  • This sandwich recipe should provide players with Sparkling Power Level 3, as well as Title and Encounter Power Level 3 for Dark-type Pocket Monsters. This should make Dark-type species appear much more often in the wild, if possible, and shinies should be much more prevalent than they ordinarily would be.

    Herba Mystica isn't easy to acquire, but it certainly offers great benefits (Image via Game Freak)

    However, it's important to note that each Pocket Monster has its own distinct shiny appearance rate, so players may still be in for quite a search. Considering the abysmally low spawn rates, searching with the benefits of this particular sandwich is much preferred over shiny hunting without eating the sandwich at all.

    Shiny Pokemon today are considerably easier to find compared to older franchise titles. However, trainers will still want to use every form of assistance they can muster to find the uniquely-colored Pocket Monsters as often as possible.

    With so many creatures roaming throughout the Paldea region, shiny hunting is certainly a time-consuming endeavor.

    Fortunately, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's sandwich mechanic is incredibly helpful in finding shiny Pocket Monster, as well as many other facets, such as boosting power during Tera Raids or finding and hatching more eggs during picnics.

    You may also check out our other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coverage:

    Indigo Disk release date & time || Best starters for Scarlet and Violet || All active Mystery Gift codes || Dialga and Palkia Spotlight item drops || Indigo Disk Pokedex

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