Room Service - Far Cry 6 Guide

Reach The Grand Hotel Caballero

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Speak to Yelena and she will inform you that one of the members has been caught by Castillo’s top interrogator, and that the member will likely crack under pressure. They need to be rescued before that happens.

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They are currently being held at the Gran Hotel Caballero, which is northwest of Concepcion, El Este. Yelena will also mention that a nearby truck is heading to the hotel from the Delivery Yards, if you want to sneak in.

To reach the truck, exit the hideout and walk to the far side of the courtyard, then turn left and duck through the broken wall.

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Keep moving straight ahead after you move through, then use the stack of boxes to reach the roof, where you’ll find a zipline.

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Take the zipline across the street and keep walking straight ahead to reach the driver and his truck. Hop inside and he’ll close you in and start driving.

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After a short while, they’ll stop at a checkpoint, so have your weapon ready. They’ll ask to open the back of the truck, so take out the guard and hop back inside the truck to continue.

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Once you arrive at the hotel, hop out of the truck and your companions will run into the building.

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Stop The Interrogation

NOTE: Once the upcoming combat encounter is over, you’ll be back in Concepcion, so pick up any loot you want (including FND Crates) before starting the fight, or at least before killing the final enemy.

There are several ways to get a better look at the area, and scope out some enemy locations, but you can also stop the interrogation incredibly fast several ways.

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Being seen by the soldiers stationed here will immediately bring an end to the interrogation and initiate a firefight, but we can get an angle on The Dentist first.

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NOTE: There is a key on the lobby reception desk that opens the door right next to it, leading to an FND Crate, and climbing up to the next floor up allows you to read notes that reveal the locations of even more FND Crates. You can also check out our Interactive Map of Yara for more locations, as well as our page which contains the locations of all the FND or Libertad Crates.

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Run straight ahead and you’ll see a soldier, facing away from you on the other side of a hallway. Turn left and look up to the roof and you’ll see a grapple point, which leads to an ideal sniping spot.
