So it got me to thinking to a point I googled wrestling legit tough guys looking for stories where wrestlers have gotten in altercations with each other, fans, police, or whatever... I found some cool stories and decided to see what other readers thought... Here are some samples of stories I found below...
Meng/Haku --- This guy had several stories some being that he had Brutus Beefcake by the throat a couple feet off the ground and refused to release Beefcake until Hogan stepped in and calmed him, also I found a story of him getting in a bar fight where it took 6 cops to get him down during the altercation apperently he was tased 5-6 times and was unfazed....
Dynamite Kid --- Got hit with a roll of quarters by Jaques Rougue lost several teeth but never went down, also apperently was hand picked by Randy Savage to act as his bodygaurd 1 night when Savage went out to a club that rival wrestlers often visited...
Road Warrior Hawk --- There is a shoot interview with Jim Cornette where he talks about Road Warrier Hawk beating the crap out of Dr. Death Steve Williams in the locker room and no wrestler would step in to break it up for fear of Hawk...
Bad News Brown --- Apperently this man backed down Andre The Giant when Andre made a racist comment to him... The story goes on to to say Andre appologized and said Brown was the 1 man he wouldnt wanna fight
Cpl Kirchner --- Apperently 1 of the toughest & stiffest guys in the WWE in the early-mid 80's... Wrestlers were affriad to work with him because he didnt hold back and was always ready to fight...
Paul Orndorff --- Beat the crap out of Vader behind the scenes, keep in mind due to an injury that ended his career Orndorff did this with only 1 good arm...
Hardcore Holly --- Rumors had it that he was Vince's punisher if someone needed staightened out back stage... They were put in the ring with a stiff Holly
Harly Race --- Reed the stories in Ric Flairs book...
Dick The Brusier --- My grandfather actually told me a story of seeing Dick take out 3 bikers in a bar when Dick was in his late 50's... Just think if the man did that at 57 or 58 what he could do at say 30 to 35 years of age
I am sure there are many more out there and would love to hear what other people think... I am also curious to hear other stories people have heard... Maybe we can figure out who the true toughest guy in wrestling history was...